Any form of music that is made by nerds, for nerds, or about nerdly things. Nerdcore can be made in any style of music, but most people identify it in either its pop-punk or hip-hop forms. Although many people think the term “nerdcore” was made up by MC Frontalot, it has in fact been in use by rock bands for many years prior to Frontalot’s use of the term.
Nerdcore should not be confused with bands that are simply stereotypically popular with nerds such as They Might Be Giants, DEVO, Ween, etc.
Musica generalmente fatta col culo, ma alle volte no. Quando no, ne escono piccoli capolavori nerd degni di nota e la rubrica CNN – Containerd Nerdcore NonPlusUltra è qui per suggerirveli. Che la base sia Pop, Funk, Punk, Rap, Rock, Techno sticazzi, l’importante è il soggetto.
Dubito non conosciate Jaden Smith. Il figlio di Fresh Prince è Nerdcore già solo per esistenza, per diritto divino; è infatti un meme vivente, grazie alle sue memorabili uscite sui social, degne di un giovane coelho negro sotto effetto di droghe sintetiche (e con questo non sto celebrando quell’idiota di Coelho, anzi):
I don’t think I’m as revolutionary as Galileo, but I don’t think I’m not as revolutionary as Galileo.
The More Time You Spend Awake The More Time You Spend Asleep.
How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren’t Real
I Wanna Be Ryan Gosling For Christmas
Questo è solo un microestratto della poesia di Jaden; a parte la mia preoccupazione di condividere con lui la passione per Gosling, rimane il mio gigantesco WTF in merito. Fortunatamente sono sostenuto dal padre putativo di Jaden:
Per quale altro motivo compre oggi il poeta/cantante/attore Jaden Smith sulle pagine di Containerd, nella stupenda rubrica Nerdcore? Presto detto! Il nostro idolo ha appena sfornato un imperdibile pezzo su… GOKU!
Jaden Smith – Goku
(Oh!) I feel like a
Ooh, ooh, ooh
GokuBoracho, boracho, boracho, I’m supersonic with the Vados
Ayy, tectonic volcano in an island, you don’t want no problems
All you jokers need to grow up, you ain’t know it then, now you know it
Aye, my credit card didn’t go through, I’m ballin’ I feel like I’m GokuAyy, ayy, yeah, come again
Ayy, yeah, ugh, I feel like I’m Goku
Look at em’, yeah, come again
Ayy, yeah, ballin’, I feel like I’m Goku
Aye, my credit card didn’t go through, I’m ballin’, I feel like I’m Goku
Goku, ballin’, I feel like I’m Goku
Aye, my credit card didn’t go through, I’m ballin’, I feel like I’m Goku
Ballin’, I feel like I’m Goku (Ooh!)
Ballin’, I feel like I’m Goku, Goku, Goku
Feel like I’m
Ouu ouu, ouu ouu
Ballin’, I feel like I’m Goku, Goku, GokuShe just want happy, happy, happy, happy endings
Girl just stop pretending, and that’s new beginnings
This is music with a new lieutenant
Way too moist, just hit you with that stupid vision
Man I ball choker sad my soup is finished
Bout to sip it, sip it, sip it slow (ooh)
Need to quit the sippin’ syrup ‘fore you in the dirt
Remember, that’s why they sedate for ya
With my homies in the Jeep
Bumpin’ Lord Pretty Flacko with the prayer hands
I said it once, then I’m gon’ say it again
You roller coastin’ in Vegas man
I’m the closest to the greatest
That statement is daily debated
I’m Slaughterhousin’ on the pavement
Tell Charlamagne that we just made it
You can’t even catch all my cadence
Just ‘cause you lazy and faded
You washed up and want to be famous
All the MSFTS, they’ve been waiting
I’m ‘bout to play this on the stages
I’m ‘bout to see them in amazement
All my verses been in cages
‘Bout to let ‘em loose and show the world what music range is
Put they album on the pavement
Spit the fire till they cave in
They all told me “That’s insane”Boracho, boracho, boracho, I’m supersonic with the Vados
Ayy, tectonic volcano in an island, you don’t want no problems
All you jokers need to grow up, you ain’t know it then, now you know it
Aye, my credit card didn’t go through, I’m ballin’ I feel like I’m GokuAyy, ayy, yeah, come again
Ayy, yeah, ugh, I feel like I’m Goku
Look at em’, yeah, come again
Ayy, yeah, ballin’, I feel like I’m Goku
Aye, my credit card didn’t go through, I’m ballin’, I feel like I’m Goku
Goku, ballin’, I feel like I’m Goku
Aye, my credit card didn’t go through, I’m ballin’, I feel like I’m Goku
Ballin’, I feel like I’m Goku (Ooh!)
Ouu ouu, ouu ouu
Ballin’, I feel like I’m Goku, Goku, Goku
Feel like I’m
Ouu ouu, ouu ouu
Ballin’, I feel like I’m Goku, Goku, GokuAyy, ayy, yeah, come again
Ayy, yeah, ugh, I feel like I’m Goku
Look at em’, yeah, come again
Ayy, yeah, ballin’, I feel like I’m Goku
Ayy, ayy, yeah, come again
Ayy, yeah, ugh, I feel like I’m Goku
Look at em’, yeah, come again
Ayy, yeah, ballin’, I feel like I’m Goku
Da un attento esame del testo è subito chiaro che si sta parlando di un’opera musicale che rispecchia i tweet del “cantante”; purtroppo il concetto nerdcore si perde già nel titolo, visto che non viene espresso nulla se non il fatto che questo poveretto si sente come Goku, probabilmente per la sua nuova pettinatura alla moda:

Più che Goku sembra uno di quei cattivi di JoJo’s che muore al primo schiaffo!
Jaden Smith è già in lizza per realizzare la colonna sonora del capolavoro Wu Kong, quando lo importeranno in america.